Refer to the following points for some assistance :
- If the program is complete and the degree was
awarded, WES requires a convocation
certificate/final degree certificate (in absence of
which, you must provide a provisional degree
certificate) issued by the University of Mumbai. This
is mandatory.
- WES will always accept university-issued mark sheets
for all semester or years, however they understand
that some semesters are not examined by
university, in which case :
- For Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Science, Bachelor of Arts programs: WES
requires college-issued mark sheets for Year 1
and Year 2 (semester 1-4). For year 3
(semester 5-6), WES requires the university-
issued mark sheet.
For Bachelor of Engineering programs: WES
requires college-issued mark sheets for year 2
and year 3 (semesters 3-6). For Year 1 and
Year 4 (semesters 1-2 and 7-8), WES requires
the university-issued mark sheets.
The above information is only some reference content for your
assistance and is subject to change with changes in WES
requirement as listed on their website. Irrespectively, you’re
expected to be aware of the documents that have to be sent to
WES based on information from their website.
This platform will only submit to WES, after authentication, all the
documents that you upload and will not be responsible to examine
the sufficiency of documentation.